Tin's Homepage

Welcome to my website. This is a simple page I keep up to have an online presence. Made with Python and some templating (find out how), it's my little corner of the internet.

Some might say it's too drab. I'd say it's to the point.

Who am I?


A software engineer that does this job with and for passion. I enjoy science behind computing, and I love a good puzzle that needs solving. As you might've guessed - my name is Tin. Surname's Marković (unicode, yay!).

A generalist and an opinionated software engineer with experience both in management and as an indepth technical designer, I have started my own consulting career.

Leave me your contact if you'd utilize my help with:

... and plenty other things, really. I am an independent problem solver, and I am certain we can figure out a way to solve your issues. Check out some projects I've previously worked on.

On occassion I speak publicly about software engineering best practices and management of projects, from the engineering side of things. Find links to those here or in the header.

I always enjoy a good cup of tea and a book. I occassionally game, whether it's on a board or watching a screen. Details and other interests... here.

Running out of space on a modern display, so I'll wrap this one up. Check out the header links for anything I might've skipped, and feel free to contact me for anything else you'd like to know :)